The Wonderful World of Facebook Ads!
Facebook, one of the world’s leading communication platform and over the last few years the go-to market place for online ads. But how effective is your campaign? Is it getting washed up in the multitude of algorithms which is seeing you ‘invest’ more and more money into the ads to produce the leads you want?
Make you investment worth it! Make sure your ads are effective, otherwise, your Facebook Ads campaign will just be a sponge in your bank account for no real return.
So have a think about these when planning your campaigns.
1 User experience.
If you are creating your ads yourself, try to look at it through the eyes of someone who doesn’t know you, your business and maybe even anything about the solution that your business offers. Ask yourself:
- Is your advert immersive?
- Does your ad copy draw someone’s attention?
- Are you utilising the first 2-3 seconds to promote/ explain/ sell your solution?
- Does your advert have subtitles? Only 25% of videos are viewed with sound, so don’t waste breath!
2 Selling a solution instead of a product.
People are getting advertised to all the time. Everywhere you look, so make sure you stand out. Make sure you are advertising in a way that is going to resonate with the clientele you are after. There are thousands upon thousands of ‘products’ out there but how would someone know that your product if right for them unless you explain to them by selling a solution to the problem they face.
Let’s look at some examples-
Imagine you are planning an advert for a group training studio…
Product focused marketing– Experienced coaches, taking you through awesome high energy classes in a state of the art, top of the range studio.
Solution focused marketing– Our Coaches support & motivate you alongside a likeminded community where results and enjoyment go hand in hand.
Both examples are selling the same studio, but the solution focused marketing has a far deeper impact.
3 Being sensible with your money!
This is a big one! If you are not 100% sure what you are doing then stop now! Otherwise it is very likely that you will just be burning £50’s at a rate of knots!
Facebook ads doesn’t have to be expensive if you are clever with where you focus your spend.
Firstly, look at A/B testing your ads to find out which work best before funnelling more spend into the most successful. Next, try re-targeting. Creation of a second add to retarget Custom Audiences, this is far lower CPA targeting a smaller and more engaged audience. Finally, keep your ads relevant and up to date. Don’t let your ads go stale. Regularly check their progress and look to funnel spends accordingly.
Be sure to focus on these points when building and managing your Facebook Ads & if you want to chat further or get any more support with igniting your marketing, feel free to get in contact and lets speak some more!